Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Atarax [Hydroxine] - Allergy and Sinus Symptoms

Atarax [Hydroxine] the medical composition name for the drug is an antihistamine drug which is also commonly known as Vistrail. Atarax is basically used to treat allergy and sinus symptoms signs of hypertension and common anxiety. Medical practitioners generally prescribe Atarax with a combination of other medicines to take care of anxiety that results from physical illness allergy and sinus infection. Hydroxine helps to do away with the itching sensation that is a common result of allergic reactions. It can also be used as a sedative prior or after anesthesia.

What Atarax basically does is it helps lessen the effects of histamine that is secreted by the body which results in inflammation thereby narrowing away the air passage to the lungs. This is one of the common allergy and sinus problems. The antihistamines in the Hydroxine drug helps reduce itching and inflammations also drying away the secretions from the eyes nose and throat.

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog very nice and unique information related to Atarax. Thanks for sharing this information.
